


















Written on 27/12/2008 @ 5:48 p.m.





Written 27/12/2008 @ 2:12 a.m.

My fortune in 2009

Mom got me about my fortune sheet for next year. First glance of it, wow, it looks really terrible. Seem like it's going to be a tough time for me next year. Here is what the sheet said:

Rabbit Born in: 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999


Peace loving, impeccable manners in the pursuit of a good life, intelligent in business with creative mind but sometimes moody and indifferent.

A person born in the year of the Rabbit possesses one of the most fortunate of the twelve animal signs. The Rabbit, or Hare as he is referred to in Chinese mythology, is the emblem of longevity and is said to derive his essence from the Moon. The rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. His soft speech and graceful nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat or seasoned politician. Likewise, a person born under this sign will lead a tranquil life, enjoying peace, quiet and congenial environment. He is reserved and artistic and possesses good judgment. His thoroughness will also make him a good scholar. He will shine in the fields of law, politics and government. The Rabbit likes: The arts, Comfort, Secrets, Riddles and Intrigue. The Rabbit dislike: Decisions, Violence, Criticism, Untidiness and Dirtiness. Compatible Animals: Goat, Dog, Pig

Your Luck In Year 2009

Overall Forecast Luck this year fluctuates wildly. Visibly clear good luck hides some air of danger and misspells underneath. Perhaps a better option will be to store your energy for a better comeback. Use this time to plan and feel around for the right to strike. Fortunately, resolving stars are around to bring light amid the darkness of danger. Apparently not a good year to be aggressive in all aspects.

Set your expectations lower for the year and enrich yourself further. Health issue will be of major setback to you, so take heed. Greed in investment matters will also fail you. Proper finance management will be helpful indeed.

Career You are advised to be more conservative when it comes to your career path. Entrepreneurship will only lead to fruitless ventures. Working adults should guard against your colleague who might be a wolf in sheep skin. Nevertheless, keep to your own fences and all will be well. Those born in 1963 and 1975 will have lots of fresh opportunities to begin with.

Love Mood and emotional discharges are very unstable. You feel left out, and lonely. Do attempt to correct your twisted perception of your partner and others around you. They do show care for you just that your temperamental behaviour causes them confusion and misinterpretation of your intentions. Trust, care and communication are keys to a fruitful relationship.

Wealth Proper income is stable. Control your spending and crisis will not occur. Do not greed of ill-gotten wealth as you will face lawsuits and inevitably, causes you great pain and suffering. In addition, you will do yourself a favour by not borrowing or acting as guarantor. Leave lottery luck to affinity. Reduce amount of unnecessary investments especially risky ones.

Health Caution of health and accidents. Fatigue and overdrive cause you to have unstable emotions and mental states. Be careful when you are driving or on a boat trip, especially water danger. Chronic ailments of the elderly may surface again. Partake healthier food.

(Geomancy Hut, 2008)

So, yeah. It doesn't look nice when I read through it. No luck. No fortune. No bright light. But hor, when I google search for my Rabbit zodiac fortune on 2009, I found Lilian Too (2008) saying: "All of you born in the year of the RABBIT will have excellent vitality in 2009…". Erm.. So who am I to believe? Haha. Looking at these kinds of things as a joke. Perhaps just need to go pray pray during the first day of CNY. The Chinese fortune telling is more critical, if you want to know how bad luck can go, suggest you read it la. If not, remain happy-go-lucky. Here it is:












(ChongWawa, 2008)

I like these words: "你应该要加倍用功,守好岗位,希望累积更多经验和实际知识,以求在好运降临时,能
发挥最大的潜能,振翅高飞" Trust your ability!


Written on 26/12/2008 @ 11:51 p.m.




Written on 25/12/2008 @ 5:27 p.m.






我要美!从头美到尾!我知道自己头发不够多, 皮肤不够滑。需要改进!我会努力!只是,我也认为,自信的女人最美!^^

Written on 20/12/2008 @ 11:43 p.m.





















Written on 18/12/2008 @ 1:43 a.m.

Ipoh Trip

Thank Olivia and Zeron for driving us to Ipoh. And of course, thank Michelle for bring us around to enjoy food in Ipoh. It was a fun trip, well, although I hope I can stay a bit longer to hunt down the whole state, but I guess a day trip is quite sufficient because I'm "POK". Haha! Anyway, Ipoh people tell me there aren't many things in Ipoh. So, just let it be la. Now, I'm missing the smell of the salt chicken!! It does taste really really nice la! The chicken I bought back home, my sister already booked the whole thing! Regret, I should have buy one more for myself! But then, I'll complain myself being fat! Haha!

Like this photo, at the Perhentian.

"Nga Choi Kai"

Second cone!

A gong's reaction after drinking white coffee


Eating salt chicken.

Me & My prince charming


看到周慧敏和倪震分手的消息,心里愣了一下。20 年的感情,说完就完,未免有点太儿戏了吧?倪震偷吃、周慧敏原谅的消息占据了这整个星期的娱乐报头版,心中多多少少也有被他们牵动,被他们触动。


回顾一下他们的感情世界,20 年实在不容易。多少的风风雨雨,多少的波折,才真够走到今天的局面。没错,男的偷吃,是不忠。可是,两个人的感情世界,外来的人又知多少?在受千夫所指的时候,女方还肯愿意挺这个男人。是真的盲目,还是这男的有过人之处,我们外人,又何得以知?眼见他们被大众逼得要分手,心里很难过。有情人不能够相厮到老,难免可惜。心中希望他们的缘分还没灭,希望他们能够再走在一起。为娱乐圈再带来喜事。


Written on 13/12/2008 @ 3:13 a.m.



我常说,爱情是两个人的事, 只有当事人才明白到底发生着什么事。可是今天,我质疑了这句话的真实性。第三者的爱情,还是两个人的事吗?无奈。为什么一些人总不会学习负责任?一脚踏两船的感觉,真得那么刺激吗?我会认为,发生这种事,会是双方爱得不够深。既然如此,那么为什么不要放手?我不明白。拖着别人,拖着自己,浪费时间,浪费精神,浪费生命。


今天你问我,是不是只会和爱的人有性行为。我的答案是“是”。我想,每一个人都希望和自己爱的人分享这个最神圣的秘密。然后。你再问我,一个女人和一个男人有了性行为后,代表什么?嗯,这个我答不出来。答案太多了。我不知道会是哪一个。可是,我觉得,很难从性爱里头作出爱情。如果哪个男人告诉你可能,我只会觉得,他贱!因为他只要你的身体 (虽然男人都是很视觉享受的生物)。所以,我会劝你别傻了!为这样一个男人,不值得!


Written on 8/12/2008 @ 3:23 a.m.





Written on 30/11/2008 @ 1:23 a.m.



Written 27/11/2008 @ 8:23 p.m.




Written 26/11/2008 @ 11:12 p.m.




Critical Analysis

Went to see Hera again today, and the outcome is, oh well, I don't have enough critical analysis. Erm, I've been wondering about this thing, I know I'm not good at it, and it's impossible for me to shoot straight up to have good critical thinking skill, but what can I do to improve?

I'm dying of my thesis, really really dying. Feel so stress whenever I look at it. But then, thesis is still something I need to get it done to finish my course. So? What am I doing lately? Reading journals, trying to critical analyze each and every of them. Yet, no matter how hard I crack my brain, how I read and re-read my journals again, the 'a-ha' moment still won't come to me. I still cannot think what Hera said as critical. Oh gosh!

When my father drove me to college today, I heard this in the radio: Human brain got trillion cells to learn new things everyday, million cells to think. I'm thinking this statement for myself.. Where is my potential to strike? All I need now is critical thinking.. How and where I should learn?!?



Writing my thesis draft

After few days of struggle, finally I'm starting to write my thesis draft. Looking at the marking scheme again, I feel I've the need to get it done early, send to Hera, let her check and get her comments for it. I've no confident. Totally no confident that I can do well. I heard Hera is tough, I heard Hera failed students, I heard the best that she gave is only a B-. So... Yea.. I don't think I can go any further..

I proposed November 6 for my 1st draft, and obviously it has failed. Proposed again on November 20, hopefully I managed to get it done by that time.. and send her the 1st draft, get comment, edit again. And hopefully, I don't fail her, and fail myself. *pray*

Going back to write my thesis.. must work hard on it..

Depressed... Get off me before I kill

Feel just like killing anyone that pissed me off. I'm not in a good mood. Things are all going very bad suddenly. What the hell? What have I done wrong to deserve this? Just one night and all my efforts and hard works are wasted? You must be kidding me right?!?

My forensic assignment, weeks of weeks we spent into it to create a so-called "good case" but.. It has to be disqualified even before the "serial killer game" started... what more? in result of that, it's a deduction of 2% for every group member! Imagine that! Suddenly I ask myself why I want to work so hard at the beginning!!! Suddenly I ask myself why I want to work so hard to gain extra credit for this course!!! THE END RESULT IS EVERYTHING IS DEDUCTED!! ....like these are things we want... like we purposely be careless to disqualify ourselves from the game... Come on Man! As much as I want, I want to participate, and I want my case to be unsolved.. DAMN!

Then, my thesis. 1 month before the submission date only I realized I don't know how to analyze my data? How fun could it be? Suddenly the whole research seems to be SO WRONG! Yet, when as usual I went to see my supervisor.. She did not comment on it. So, how the hell it supposed to be wrong? Which SPSS test should I dump in to run my data? I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I even got confused on my own research! What am I measuring? It seems a total rubbish and failure! How do I continue? DAMN!

And my IO psychology? Supposed the due date is 5 pm later in the afternoon, but I still haven't get a complete copy of the report. I don't want to bug anymore and not at all feel anxious on it already. I'm into deep depression.

Don't feel like doing anything or talk on anything anymore. Plainly useless and can't get rid of my bad mood.. And mind me, I'll get frustrated easily in such time.. (plus long week) and.. I do will bite if anyone pissed me...




时间太少了。为什么不要有36个小时?我没时间,真得没时间。烦,不知道要怎么完成所有的事?要大压力!我的论文........... :(












又是一个人了...... 我要加油哦!

Got permission! Finally is here!!

Yahoooo!! Got the permission to use all the questionnaires I intended to. Finally. Was worrying for long time, and now, all of them are here. Well, there are still issues pending, but at least now I got the permission, I can submit to ERB first. Thank God, glad you're with me.

Pending Issues:

NO 1 in list: Researcher A did not attach me her questionnaire and scoring guide (but she gave me the permission to use)

NO 2 in list: Researcher B told me to copy and paste the questionnaire for the article (he also gave me the permission to copy and paste)

NO 3 in list: Need to revise Researcher C questionnaire. So far, Researcher C did not comment.

But then again, at least I got their permission!! Yahoo.. now get back to ERB.....



话说,今天从早10点就一直在开会。开到了3点,然后就去上课。累啊,我差点就要在Winnee的班睡着了!可恶的阿公,还一直在我旁边打瞌睡,影响我!节目排到上课后,我们就去看Joanna男友制作的电影。肚子饿啦,我可是整天只喝了半杯美禄 (另外一半进了阿公的肚子)。一副没力的感觉,超累的!




1。 明天10点到公司做工 (阿公的反应是:又答应人家?你不累啊?)


Hera praises me!

I was excited! I didn't expect to get anything in return (besides the grade and knowledge) from my thesis. When I took this topic (body image), I already know that Hera is tough. I heard from seniors and peers, Hera got high standards, she requires her "children" to prepare a lot. She has criteria that she wants you to follow, she's the hardest supervisor because she's too good in this field! I never and ever dream that I can meet her standard. I cannot imagine I can satisfy her on all the works. But today, before I walked out to the room, she actually praised me! I cannot describe my happiness! All the sudden, it seems like all the late nights works, all the journals digging, all the brainstorming and cracking out idea, ARE WORTH!

Everytime before I went into her room for thesis meeting, I'll sort of having anxiety attack. Even though I prepared, but still, I feel I'm unprepared. Re-read all my notes, even to the extent of stomach ache. But then, it doesn't really freaky in her room! It's just, I don't have the confident. I don't think I've prepare enough stuffs for her. I found that, questions she asked me, are really DEEP. They made me think a lot, and of course, she's not giving me the answer. I guess, that's why I got so freaked out everytime before I went to see her. I'm worry she'll question me something that I cannot answer. Good duh, so far so good. I'm starting to see the way she's coming, and sort of, manage to provide she something that she understands I'm thinking.

So, today I went to see her, proposed my topic to her again (she told me to edit my last paper, but she likes my topic anyway so I just need to rephrase everything), gave her the theories that I used, told her on my justification and my research methods. I showed her the questionnaires that I found, and she was like "oh, you got it". Yeah, it's something I did extra for her, but I thought she should want to see so I prepared. Guess that was something that impressed her first. Then, we continue discussing. She told me that she's fine and okay with everything I done. Sounds like she's chasing me out the room already (Cause she delayed my meeting, and my meeting affected another person's appointment with her), but I pulled out a paper, then her to wait cause I still got questions. Then she was, "wow, there are a lot questions inside your paper". LoL.

Done, and I'm packing to leave her room. Before I walked out, she praised me!! She said: "I'm satisfy with your works and you're in good progress!" Wow, BINGO! I was so happy that I wanted to jump and dance around in the admin room of level 8. Haha! I guess I'm easily satisfy! Anyway, I'm giving myself a break today. But hor.. I think I need to work extra hard after my break because seems like she having high expectation on me too! LoL!

Wish the best for my friend

To my friend, Olivia:

Time flies, and before you realize, we knew each other for 3 years. Ever since I knew you, you have been telling me about this guy in your heart. How you both met, how he made you mad, how you both quarrel, how he apologize after that, how you and his family interact, how he buys things for you. And I know, this guy is an important person in your life.

Few days ago, you asked me. You asked me is graduated student behave differently from us? You asked me, why don't you feel the love that he had for you anymore? You asked, why are you feeling he's hiding things away from you? I said, I don't know. The most probably reason is that he's busy working and he wants privacy. So, you accept the reason, and I thought the story ended. Then yesterday, you told me, you're not worth for his love. You feel you're useless, and feel you're a burden to him. You told me, you want to break up with him, and he told you he loves money more than he loves you. But no action, and again, I thought the story ended.

Today, when I received your sms, I was terribly shocked. This time, you told me that he said he doesn't have feeling in you anymore. He rather focus on his work so he wants to break up with you. BUT, IF YOU CHANGE your temper, he said he'll be accepting you again. I went online and found you. You told me you have been crying and not eating since then. You asked me why he behave so, and is he just telling you to make you feel better? Again, I said I don't know. I don't know what's going on in a guy's mind, but my concern, is I want you to be happy, and eat.

So, I don't want to tell you how sorry I feel for you. I don't want to have counseling session with you, I don't even want to comfort you because many people would have done so to you and you'll feel you're weak. Instead, depression will hurt your health, and if you're going to continue not eating, then you won't have the second chance to be with him again. So, I found you these few suggestions.

1. Execrise. Simple activities like jogging and swimming will help.
2. Go under the SUN. Don't hide in your little space at home, go see the Sunlight and feel the weather.
3. Eat banana. Interestingly, there's a fibre in banana that help stimulate the brain to minimize negative emotions.
4. Cry. If you feel to cry, please by all means CRY. Let out all your negative feelings.
5. Sleep. Get enough rest and sleep well.
6. Music. Calm music cool your heart and take you to peace.

Now, this might be the darkness moment in your heart. But when you walk out, you'll see light.

Change your focus, learn to let go. Give him a chance, and give yourself a chance to "reborn". Sometimes, we need to experience traumatic pain to grow up. The pain will be so painful that our heart is cracking into pieces. But, that's the process of growing up, as after thunderstorm, there'll be rainbow.

Let those memories, bury into your heart. Gal, we're here to support you!

Pray the best for him, do the best for yourself. Be tough oh!

Wish the best for you..

Love you,


IO成绩出了,我才刚刚及格!超不满意的!怎么了?我是太久没有上课了,所以跟不上吗?怎么成绩那么的差?后悔呢,我怎么不好好地读书?可能如果我有好好的温习,有好好的听课 (超闷的),我的成绩可能会好一些。







今天我经过block E, 感觉真不如从前,一时间感触良多。今天的block E, 已经今非昔比,连我们的department都已经搬了。现在,它是A levels的天地。如今,去到block E,感觉真不如从前。Block E不再热闹了,冷清清的,好不寂寞。我想起了好多好多。原来,我在HELP已经有3年的时间了。


峥嵘,是我过后认识的。和他感情好,但那个衰仔只会天天叫我陪他翘课、陪他吃Secret。名副其实的猪朋狗友啊!然后,认识你。那时,应该是第1年的第2个学期的Abnormal Psych。你是峥嵘的朋友,Olivia的同学,自然我们就混熟了。和你谈了很久,才知道你的名字,原来,你叫李兴权。之后,我在BPSYCH的日子里,就少不了你的名字。

3 年了,很多人,很多事都改变了。记得,当初我义无反顾拿下心理学,是因为我说,我想了解人是什么一回事,人是什么东西。今天,我还是不了解。当我低头饮吸我的美禄时,我在想,3年里的我,究竟改变了几多,了解人了几多?明天的我,又会是怎样?以前,Wayne哥哥常带我去的HP Cafe,现在都应经拆了。而峥嵘,也都转去IT读了。你,也快要出国了。

等一下,就要考试了!印象中,我还是第一次去考Psych paper,没有你伴着。感觉挺怪的!看来,我还是非常依赖。呵呵!我会加油的!

Written 15/10/2008 @ 11:51 a.m.

Blog hop!

Supposed, I should be studying, reading and revising my materials for mid term. Obviously I am not, so this post is on my blog. I am in third year, and it has been 6 weeks in class.. But the sad truth is I still don't know what materials I should revise. It's going to sound weird as it going to be. It seems like my mind did not record anything in this 6 weeks time. I have no interested in assessment and profiling (maybe a bit of curiosity la), I don't like IO, and so, the only subject I am looking forward is forensic psychology. Aha, and I thought I know what the lecturers were saying during class, but when I looked at the notes, I was like: "Oh gosh, why things are not so familiar?" I set a goal for myself earlier before I went back to study, I told myself I need to get good results in third year in order to "save" my honour in the degree.. Yet, in the end, ah, I am still dreaming……

So well, I went online and do some clicking from blog to blog. It has been long time since I last blog hop. Usually, I am invisible. Well, today just don't have the mood to study! Textbooks are so boring, and they're in BLACK N WHITE! My attention can't even stay for a few minutes! So yea, I was hopping..

I went to Chan Theng's blog, went to Yee Liang's blog, went to Jien's blog, went to Lian's blog, went to Peh Fung's blog, went to Olivia's blog, went to Chen's blog, went to Sze Yii's blog, went to Rex's blog, went to How How's blog… so, this is my circle of friends.. Looking through their posts, it's like walking the days with them. Memories come and remind me of the time that we been together. And before I know, I'm actually smiling to myself. I remembered yesterday when I chatted with Chan Theng, he has been freaked out of my insanity as I'm telling him I'm "killing" people in my forensic assignment (which actually I'm telling the truth). I remembered Yee Liang, and of course his voice. Your voice is so warm that it touches deeply into my heart and nothing can replace you as my daddy.

My HELP friends, I have been attached to you all for these 3 years. And guess what, I just suddenly realized times have flied so fast! People do say that friends in undergraduate will be friends forever, and I do hope our friendship will be. I'm truthfully glad that I know each one of you. You all have brought great and wonderful memories to my life. And yea, come to think of it, Sze Yii, did you realize we have knew each other for 2 years +? Well, LLS!! I remembered that was the first project we did together! And then, we went xia xiang together! I have always like your smile, and like you being your size, and like you being with Yao Yang; cause everything seems to fit your style, and makes you looks sweeter. And Olivia, I don't remembered how I know you already, but I do remember we took Research Methods together and since then, we're always together. =) Chen, I guess I want to label you as "my most worried" friend in HELP. But looking at your new blog, I guess I don't need to worry you anymore. Like I always said, I'm hoping one day you'll surprise me by calling me, I'm looking forward for that day to come. And yea, don't silently leave to Australia without noticing me ok??

Jien, Lian & Rex (and HOW HOW), also known as the LRT. Hehe. I don't know how to go to one blog, without thinking of the other. Perhaps, I got my mind set that you all and 3 in 1. Jien, I miss you so much! Looking at ALL your photos, videos and posts, I can only say I'm so impressed on your speed to keep us update. It's so fast that when I got time to look at it, they are already outdated! Haha. I miss your little baby too; I saw you commented on his photo, he does look cute! Lian and Rex, it has been some times since we last gone out together. Everyone seems so busy with their works. No more pasar malam, no more late night movie… I don't see you all often already (our timetable and class venue sucks!).. Seems like our connection a bit loose.. haha.. Anyhow, we're going to have SHOGUN together right?? Perhaps, that's the time we tie the knot harder! ^^ And Peh Fung, where have you been? I know you been busy with you studies, and society issues as well, Gambateh ya! Please don't burn out yourself. =)

And so I realized, I actually love these people… =)

P/S: Yin, KaiYi, Giap & Yang, Love you too! Miss you all, drop me msg kay? *hugz*

P/S 2: Zeron don't envy!! I miss you too but I don't love you! =P




Written on 12/10/2008 @ 1:12 a.m.



I got my thesis topic APPROVED!!

I'm so excited today! At least to some extends la. Excited on one hand, but the other hand I foresee the pathway for this sem will be getting harder. Hah, what you know? Hera approved my thesis topic! And well, she was pleased that I did something different from the norm. *I am thinking whether this is a good scenario* I can see, she is delighted, but then, I am thinking: uh huh, she's having high expectation on me! Yea, it is kinda true. When I told her my idea, she quickly drew a mind map of the whole thing on my paper.. and yeah, she encouraged me to read more journals =.=

Good sign? I heard from some friends and seniors that it's not easy to have thesis topic approved. But well, I got mine pass in one shot. I'm a bit amazed honestly! I was thinking yesterday night that I did not prepare enough material for me to go see her this afternoon, and yet, when I presented, I just passed! I was shocked myself as well. But then, I'm starting to feel the stress coming. Hera wants me to develop my OWN questionnaire! T_T oh well, to be fair, she didn't say she WANTS la. She just said, "it'll be good to have a questionnaire in Malaysia context, and it's not hard since you're taking profiling with me". In other words, I BETTER GO DEVELOP A QUESTIONNAIRE!

But well, at least for now, I got my topic approved!

Written on 9/10/2008 @ 11:23 p.m.













想念恺毅 (我在想如果我写错了你的名字,你会不会宰了我)


Written on 6/10/2008 @ 4:12 a.m.



今早起床,就觉得自己病病的。开始要感冒的感觉,人有点不舒服。硬着起床、硬着去上课,等的就是可能见到Hera的机会。Thesis 太难搞了,我想快快把它搞完。今天去学校的决定,是对还是错?命中注定,我再怎么逃,也躲不过今天吧?








Talk to me, Speak with me



Talk to me
Speak with me
don't sink before you rise baby
don't fade away
You hesitate
you seem to wait
for all the time we had
feels like a world away
Who's to say
we'll be ok
we're gonna make it through the night
don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile
cause we're the same
And I know that we'll will never change
look I bought your favourite ice ream
I don't want to see it melt away
If you walk out now
I don't know if we could be the same baby
just talk with me
cause' I want you to stay here with me

Talk to me, Speak with me… 我感觉到,这是你的心声。这煎熬的日子里头,你希望的,就是得到他的一句话。哪怕,是多么牵强的理由。可惜,你我都失望了。你问,为什么他要这样对你?我也问,为什么他要如此对你?谁知道答案?恐怕也只有他自己。我躲起来,也怕,你会从我联系到他。让自己更痛了!


本来哦,我很少相信命理之说。总觉得看看爽就好。可是,我最近真的不知道交上了什么霉运。那发霉的感觉一直缠着我不放。衰事一连串,我什么都做不好,什么都不顺利。快要一个星期了,我到底是不是要交上7天的霉运?忘记了这是SOCIAL PSYCH里头的什么THEORY了。怨天尤人,可能真的能让自己好过点。这股忧闷感差一点要把我弄爆了。睡觉发噩梦;走路要跌倒;连线,就线断;朋友丢下我;tutorial不懂和谁编成一组;钱掉了;精辩检讨会的资料不懂去了哪儿…….好多好多的,我也不知要怎么写,怎么说了。我不想让人担心,我想哭!我已经挤不出那一丝丝的笑容….



Written on 17/9/2008 @ 2:32 p.m.



《往事只能回味》曲:刘家昌 词:林煌

时光已逝永不回 往事只能回味

忆童年时竹马青梅 两小无猜日夜相随

春风又吹红了花蕊 你已经也添了新岁

你就要变心 像时光难倒回 我只有在梦里相依偎










或许有些事情,我真得不应该知道。或许有些事,我更不该理。Friends come and go,这个道理我明白啊。可是,我不希望它会发生在我们身上。我好伤心,除了哭,我还是哭。我觉得自己很对不起你,我觉得很内疚。我真得很心痛。我想了解,我想了解到底你发生了什么事。可是,我没机会了吧?我用了好多法子找你啊,还是找不到,我觉得自己非常没有用啊!明明知道你现在可能陷入很深的困扰当中,我却帮不了你,我好难受!



Written on 13/9/2008 @ 4:23 a.m.







Written on 9/9/2008 @ 3:14 a.m.






阿末的"寄居论"闹大了,各方面都抢着加一张嘴进来,顿时这政治局面好不热闹。有一方,坚持要阿末道歉;另一方,就说不用道歉。我好奇,说声"对不起"真得怎么难吗?首相道歉了,副首相也道歉了,就是当事人坚称不需为他的言论作出道歉。呃,自相矛盾了一点吧?我不喜欢看政治,因为看多了,我觉得非常无奈。可是,最近就看多了。皆因,如今的报纸,30 版面,有大约一半以上都在谈论着政治。不看不看,还须看啊!毕竟,都需要知道国家到底发生着什么一回事。


我很同情从事新闻工作者(不包括狗仔队啦!)。如实报道,最后还是被人说成扭曲事实;没如实报道,也会被人说隐藏事实的真相。做你们,真苦啊!阿末说,这起事件,他不需负上责任,皆因是记者误解了他的说法,胡乱引用造成的。他所说的"华人寄居"事实是国家独立前的事。那么,阿末啊,我真替你感到可悲啊!原来,你的历史水平也如此而已。独立前,我们任何一族都是从他方移民到马来西亚的外来者。这个国土,本来就不属于我们任何一族的。难道,你的历史老师没有教过你吗?难道,你忘了马来皇朝是怎么成立的吗?独立前,没错,我们有种族之分。独立后,我们不是都是马来西亚人吗 (Warga Malaysia)?

前阵子是副首相陷于蒙古女郎的课题,再来安华肛交的案件,又有916变天,如今多了一个阿末。到底有完没完?人民是要看政府的闹剧吗?我想说,对于那些坚持说不用道歉的人,那么,我们以后的身份证是不是要改印"在马来西亚的马来人"(Warga Melayu di Malaysia),"在马来西亚的华人"(Warga Cina di Malaysia),"在马来西亚的印度人"(Warga India di Malaysia)?可笑,搞清楚好不好?我们都是马来西亚人啊!

Written on 6/09/2008 @ 11:11 p.m.




我已经觉得对不起你和紫郡了,学会的东西乱七八糟的。又觉得对不起Rex、婧颖, Sean他们了,连累了他们啊!我再懒,我就要去跳楼啦!不过,我还是幸福的,有个疼我的男友。只是,有时,我会更希望你,情愿你大大声骂我......



12:00 a.m. – 51年国庆快乐!不知不觉,马来西亚独立了半个多世纪。当年,“东菇”在独立广场高喊“默迪卡”的声音,仿佛一阵阵传入耳中。51年了,不容易啊。真是可喜可贺!但是,国家到底成长了多少,大家有眼看吧。今年的国庆,感触良多啊!和往年相比,欢呼声少了、烟火少了,连老天爷爷都哭了起来。马来西亚的民族风情到底怎么啦?是什么把我们的心冷藏起来?

12:28 a.m. – 我吃的太饱了,睡不着。明昆问我:“你没去庆祝国庆吗?”我说,没有啊,不爱去。他回我说:“看来华人都不爱。”我觉得奇怪了,明昆怎么就凭我一个人之说就做了一个这样的结论?我问了,为什么?他又答我了:“因为我问了很多朋友,他们都不庆祝。”噢,我懂了。原来,我们都是一样的。如果,真得如XXX论说“华人是寄居大马的人民”,哪么我们要用什么的身份,什么的方式,去庆祝?庆祝国庆就等同了爱国吗?我告诉明昆,我说呀,华人啊,不用庆祝的方式去表示我们爱国。对呀,华人是含蓄的。纵使这国家里的某些人,会让我们对这国土失去归属感,但我们毕竟都是土生土长的。国歌响起,我们会立正;州歌,我们还记得怎么唱;李综伟扬名海外,我们会感到骄傲;“东菇”的“默迪卡”声,会让我们感动!我们不爱国吗?我拿着的,还是马来西亚国民局办给我的身份证!

1:32 a.m. – 我跟蚂蚁大战了!我从厨房拿来盛水的杯子,竟有很多很多蚂蚁。我也没注意到就把水喝了2口!啊,超恶心的!不过阿公跟我说了,我还是赢了,因为蚂蚁死了,我也会把它们的蛋白质消化。呵呵!

2:18 a.m. – 我家的老人下网啦。我闲着没事做,寻寻网志。随意看到了一篇关于恋爱欺骗定律,当中的“ 天下总有更适合我的人——Wrong!珍惜眼前人”,我觉得非常有意思。对的时间,遇上错的人,没办法。错的时间,遇上对的人,可惜。对的时间,遇上对的人,真得要珍惜啊!

3:35 a.m. – 开始累了。突然发现,原来我的脚都还很痛。最近真得走太多了啦!

1:34 p.m. – 国庆日的报纸有点费!好多商人都不惜花上整百万去登广告庆祝国庆,结果报纸厚厚的,里头的新闻却不多。配合国庆,副刊有篇“对马来西亚知多少”的问答题。51 题里头,我得了32分。不错啦。副刊的分析说:“你不必脸红,是铁实实的马来西亚人”我都说了,爱国不一定要现。

4:54 p.m. – 发了个噩梦。阿公又骂我了。这几天都会梦见给他骂。这可能是我唯一向他道歉的方式吧。平时,骂他太多了,任性太多了。

6:55 p.m. – 开始了找歌的旅途。

9:13 p.m. – 情绪超低落的。还有很多东西还没有做好。学会的啦,精辩的啦,学业的啦,自己的啦。真的对不起。对不起阿公,对不起紫郡,对不起REX,对不起婧颖,对不起SEAN。东西拖了又拖,我就是懒!后天开学了,我说,我一定要把东西做好给你们。可是,看着厚厚的纸,又没有心情了!公啊,REX啊,我真得很对不起你们啊!

11:47 p.m. – 听着You Are My Angel。My dear.. You're my angel...





And I got my offer letter…

Finally, it’s here. But too late. What you know? I got my offer letter from Deakin Uni!! Holy!! Haha. Right after I have decided to stay..

I guess life is with dilemma right? Now that I have decided to stay, the letter seems to be unimportant to me already. I don’t feel anything. It is like another piece of attachment I get from my email, nothing special. Yes, I do have a second thought on my decision earlier. Now that I have got the letter, I have another option. But soon, I stayed with my decision. Things do not always appear as we wanted. And, I guess, this is fate for me.

I told my friends that I have always been unlucky. I never good in drawing lots, seldom win lucky draw, and what more, when it comes to offers or scholarships, I will never get it! It is not that my results are not good. It is just I don’t have the luck for it. I managed to get matriculation earlier, hah, but I only got to know when I’m studying my Pre-U. So, what I am trying to say is that, it is the same with this matter. I decided, then I got the letter. Whether is good or bad, I cannot decide now. But, since I have chosen to stay local, whether good or bad, I will stay with it.

If you were to ask me, will I be sorry for giving up this offer? My answer is NO. The only thing that arouses my curiosity in this email is the course fee. I looked through my offer letter, and found the application form attached to it. And oh well, the course fee is stated inside. Wow, eventually, if I were to go Deakin Uni to study, for my first semester, I would need to pay at least a 10k Australia Dollars, which is around 29k Malaysia Ringgit!! Wow~~~ It is expected. But it is still very shocking to see the actual calculation! Education really so expensive! What more? It stated that this amount is “ESTIMATED” as cost might increases next year. Wow! One semester only ler..

And let me calculate my course fee in Malaysia. Depending on how many subjects I take, one subject will cost me RM 1,400. And, if I am not mistaken, I still got 11 subjects to take to complete my Degree. So, 11 X RM 1,400 will be around 14k. Har, there you go! My one year here is even cheaper than one semester in Australia. Of course, we must compare apple to apple, orange to orange. So this comparison is ridiculous! Australia has better environment and education! But then, I want to say, I need the money. If I can get a Degree in both ways, I might as well choose the cheapest path and save the money for other issues. I want to do my Master. And I want a better qualification with my Master. And so, I will keep my money for that.

You might tell me that my local certificate is not as precious as the overseas certificate. Let me tell you something. I have confident in myself, and I trust no matter what certificate I get nor where I get it, I am still capable to find myself a good job. I trust I make the right decision.. And no worries, one day I will surely go see the World outside Malaysia.. Just that, the time hasn’t arrived…. ^^

Written on 27/08/2008 @ 11:23 p.m.

Decided! I will stay!

I have decided to stay. And, I have registered for my thesis. (Yay!). My reason? Well, I have taken everything into consideration.. and well, I asked myself, what's the most important to me now? Is it a certificate or to go oversea?

Yes, I admit I don't like HELP anymore. But, I never like it before. Haha. So, it remains the same. Overseas? Let me see. To me, I really love and hope to go. But, I would rather it to be a travel than study. Yeah, experiencing life in another country is a different feeling, but staying local doesn't mean I'm not experiencing life! Life can still be interesting, and I will still enjoy it! Anyhow, life is full with amazing new challenges, isn't it? And, I am planning for it!

Going overseas will be nice, and I know I will like it. But, owning a Degree is also an important matter to me. So, I will stay to complete my Degree, and save the money for my Master in overseas! There you go! A win-win situation isn't it? And, yeah, I got plan! I am going for "Work and travel" right after I complete my Degree, then after that, MY MASTER! Yahoooo~~ It sounds so good now!

Anyway, here are my thesis topics. Gosh, I hope I made the right decision to choose these topics! Worry that it will be hard for me later.. And gosh! I am so going to cry! Hehe~

Dr. Hera Lukman Body Image

Dr. Goh Chee Leong Patterns of communication among young couples

Franklin Morais Measuring behavioural change for undergraduates in a psychology program

Kenneth Phun Influence of teaching styles on student-teacher interaction & student performance

Winnee Cheong Universal gestures (in nonverbal communication)

Dr. Albert Liau The effects of Internet use & video games on the development of children and youth

Siew Ju Li Personality and learning style

No matter how, I trust my ability! I trust, no matter I am in overseas or local, I can do my best and achieve what I want! You'll support me right?

Written on 26/08/2008 @ 12:21 p.m.

Headaching matter!

1st post in English. Yeah, can't find a better way to express my feeling. Speechless. And more to the state of blank. What's going on? And what am I doing here? One week before my next semester starts, and I'm here still thinking, whether I should go back study.. Lalalalala~

Which path is better for me? Overseas or HELP? Honestly, I don't like our psychology department anymore, but what other choice I have if I stay local? I'm supposed to register for my undergraduate thesis today, and ohya, I just got to know it like LAST SATURDAY? BOMB… what should I do? Ohhh… I got a very long list of topics, and yeah.. My mind going blank again once I look at them.. I'm not ready! I'm not prepared! BUT I don't want to skip another semester just waiting!!!! Australia, are you giving me a reply? Why am I waiting?

I speak a lot on this matter. Friends, family, psychology admins, my agent.. What should I do? What can I do besides waiting? And what's my heart telling me? So, I am thinking of money. Exchange rate is high now, inflation is bad, and course fee for uni is raising next year.. Good, then where on earth I should get the money? Yes, my parents got! But 100k is not a small number! Education is so expensive! What more? It's not even Master yet! Well, so I'm on my own after my Degree. But, if I am to complete my course locally, YES, I will do get the money for my Master. Aiyo! Why life is about choosing?

Yea, complaining. I been trying very hard not to complain.. But well, I'm frustrated; I'm hopeless; I'm bothersome! Can't I just complain awhile? I'm confident with my application but oh well, my stupid transcript is the problematic issue. And then, I don't want to wait anymore.. It's just wasting time!

Looking at my thesis topics again… One more thing.. I need to register for my subjects as well?? Oh well.. Guess I need to be prepared to go back college.. And I think that'll settle this matter.

Written on 25/8/2008 @ 11:34 p.m.


最近在WV(World Vision简称,我的公司也),我们都听着一首歌。好说了,就是“蜗牛”。很老的歌,不过却非常有意思。本人就觉得和这首歌很有缘。第一次听的时候,应该还在初中,当时没有多大的震撼。







Written on 6/08/2008 @ 1:31 am



走完PC fair,在 KLCC 留念


Written on 4/08/2008 @ 3:33 am





Written on 2/08/2008 on 1:52 am



那 天你说,还好我有下乡,不然你就不会认识了我,我也不可能认识了你。然后,你自言自语,说怎么我又巧好代替朋友,又巧好和你编成一组。我说,注定我们有缘 分。回想想,也真搞笑。我们,是没有所谓的开始;也没有什么暧昧。不记得你曾轰轰烈烈追求过我,只记得你陪我度过每个熬夜赶功课的夜晚,为我送上蜂蜜的日 子。而我们,就是这样,很自然地吸引了对方,然后走在一起。

我 曾一度怀疑,我们到底是不是来真的?我们的开始,好比是一个很草率的决定。我必须承认,我当时确实没有想太多,觉得你好,有爱心就够了。你有着比我其他追 求者多了一份心,是一份对我的关心。所以,就是你了。那天你问我,问我当你偷偷牵我的手时,我为什么没有把你推开?我说,因为你傻。不错啊,我不曾遇过一 个宁愿自己受伤,也要保护一个认识不深的女孩。所以,就是你了。因为我知道,你会保护我。



Written on 31/07/2008 @ 11:58 pm





Written on 25/97/2008 @ 10:23 pm



1。金牙大狀 I & II
包青天 I & II
刑事偵緝檔案 I, II & III
8。狀王宋世傑 I & II
11。陀槍師姐 I & II
16。洗冤錄 I & II
18。妙手仁心 I & II
鑑證實錄 I & II














歌手:张韶涵 歌名:不想懂得

当世界 不知不觉的变了
有时候 我怀念以前的我
作的梦 虽然远远的
想像是 一种快乐
拥有了 同时也失去什麼
而眷恋 原来会带来软弱
你让我在雾里成熟 心开始曲折
我不想舍得 不想懂得
是谁惹谁 言不由衷
说谎伤害 都是不安犯的错
我不想舍得 不想懂得
谁说割爱 才更深刻
彼此依赖 是爱不是负荷
能握著手就是 感动


Written on 18/06/2008

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