12:28 a.m. – 我吃的太饱了,睡不着。明昆问我:“你没去庆祝国庆吗?”我说,没有啊,不爱去。他回我说:“看来华人都不爱。”我觉得奇怪了,明昆怎么就凭我一个人之说就做了一个这样的结论?我问了,为什么?他又答我了:“因为我问了很多朋友,他们都不庆祝。”噢,我懂了。原来,我们都是一样的。如果,真得如XXX论说“华人是寄居大马的人民”,哪么我们要用什么的身份,什么的方式,去庆祝?庆祝国庆就等同了爱国吗?我告诉明昆,我说呀,华人啊,不用庆祝的方式去表示我们爱国。对呀,华人是含蓄的。纵使这国家里的某些人,会让我们对这国土失去归属感,但我们毕竟都是土生土长的。国歌响起,我们会立正;州歌,我们还记得怎么唱;李综伟扬名海外,我们会感到骄傲;“东菇”的“默迪卡”声,会让我们感动!我们不爱国吗?我拿着的,还是马来西亚国民局办给我的身份证!
1:32 a.m. – 我跟蚂蚁大战了!我从厨房拿来盛水的杯子,竟有很多很多蚂蚁。我也没注意到就把水喝了2口!啊,超恶心的!不过阿公跟我说了,我还是赢了,因为蚂蚁死了,我也会把它们的蛋白质消化。呵呵!
2:18 a.m. – 我家的老人下网啦。我闲着没事做,寻寻网志。随意看到了一篇关于恋爱欺骗定律,当中的“ 天下总有更适合我的人——Wrong!珍惜眼前人”,我觉得非常有意思。对的时间,遇上错的人,没办法。错的时间,遇上对的人,可惜。对的时间,遇上对的人,真得要珍惜啊!
3:35 a.m. – 开始累了。突然发现,原来我的脚都还很痛。最近真得走太多了啦!
1:34 p.m. – 国庆日的报纸有点费!好多商人都不惜花上整百万去登广告庆祝国庆,结果报纸厚厚的,里头的新闻却不多。配合国庆,副刊有篇“对马来西亚知多少”的问答题。51 题里头,我得了32分。不错啦。副刊的分析说:“你不必脸红,是铁实实的马来西亚人”我都说了,爱国不一定要现。
4:54 p.m. – 发了个噩梦。阿公又骂我了。这几天都会梦见给他骂。这可能是我唯一向他道歉的方式吧。平时,骂他太多了,任性太多了。
6:55 p.m. – 开始了找歌的旅途。
9:13 p.m. – 情绪超低落的。还有很多东西还没有做好。学会的啦,精辩的啦,学业的啦,自己的啦。真的对不起。对不起阿公,对不起紫郡,对不起REX,对不起婧颖,对不起SEAN。东西拖了又拖,我就是懒!后天开学了,我说,我一定要把东西做好给你们。可是,看着厚厚的纸,又没有心情了!公啊,REX啊,我真得很对不起你们啊!
11:47 p.m. – 听着You Are My Angel。My dear.. You're my angel...
And I got my offer letter…
I guess life is with dilemma right? Now that I have decided to stay, the letter seems to be unimportant to me already. I don’t feel anything. It is like another piece of attachment I get from my email, nothing special. Yes, I do have a second thought on my decision earlier. Now that I have got the letter, I have another option. But soon, I stayed with my decision. Things do not always appear as we wanted. And, I guess, this is fate for me.
I told my friends that I have always been unlucky. I never good in drawing lots, seldom win lucky draw, and what more, when it comes to offers or scholarships, I will never get it! It is not that my results are not good. It is just I don’t have the luck for it. I managed to get matriculation earlier, hah, but I only got to know when I’m studying my Pre-U. So, what I am trying to say is that, it is the same with this matter. I decided, then I got the letter. Whether is good or bad, I cannot decide now. But, since I have chosen to stay local, whether good or bad, I will stay with it.
If you were to ask me, will I be sorry for giving up this offer? My answer is NO. The only thing that arouses my curiosity in this email is the course fee. I looked through my offer letter, and found the application form attached to it. And oh well, the course fee is stated inside. Wow, eventually, if I were to go Deakin Uni to study, for my first semester, I would need to pay at least a 10k Australia Dollars, which is around 29k Malaysia Ringgit!! Wow~~~ It is expected. But it is still very shocking to see the actual calculation! Education really so expensive! What more? It stated that this amount is “ESTIMATED” as cost might increases next year. Wow! One semester only ler..
And let me calculate my course fee in Malaysia. Depending on how many subjects I take, one subject will cost me RM 1,400. And, if I am not mistaken, I still got 11 subjects to take to complete my Degree. So, 11 X RM 1,400 will be around 14k. Har, there you go! My one year here is even cheaper than one semester in Australia. Of course, we must compare apple to apple, orange to orange. So this comparison is ridiculous! Australia has better environment and education! But then, I want to say, I need the money. If I can get a Degree in both ways, I might as well choose the cheapest path and save the money for other issues. I want to do my Master. And I want a better qualification with my Master. And so, I will keep my money for that.
You might tell me that my local certificate is not as precious as the overseas certificate. Let me tell you something. I have confident in myself, and I trust no matter what certificate I get nor where I get it, I am still capable to find myself a good job. I trust I make the right decision.. And no worries, one day I will surely go see the World outside Malaysia.. Just that, the time hasn’t arrived…. ^^
Written on 27/08/2008 @ 11:23 p.m.
Decided! I will stay!
I have decided to stay. And, I have registered for my thesis. (Yay!). My reason? Well, I have taken everything into consideration.. and well, I asked myself, what's the most important to me now? Is it a certificate or to go oversea?
Yes, I admit I don't like HELP anymore. But, I never like it before. Haha. So, it remains the same. Overseas? Let me see. To me, I really love and hope to go. But, I would rather it to be a travel than study. Yeah, experiencing life in another country is a different feeling, but staying local doesn't mean I'm not experiencing life! Life can still be interesting, and I will still enjoy it! Anyhow, life is full with amazing new challenges, isn't it? And, I am planning for it!
Going overseas will be nice, and I know I will like it. But, owning a Degree is also an important matter to me. So, I will stay to complete my Degree, and save the money for my Master in overseas! There you go! A win-win situation isn't it? And, yeah, I got plan! I am going for "Work and travel" right after I complete my Degree, then after that, MY MASTER! Yahoooo~~ It sounds so good now!
Anyway, here are my thesis topics. Gosh, I hope I made the right decision to choose these topics! Worry that it will be hard for me later.. And gosh! I am so going to cry! Hehe~
Dr. Hera Lukman Body Image
Dr. Goh Chee Leong Patterns of communication among young couples
Franklin Morais Measuring behavioural change for undergraduates in a psychology program
Kenneth Phun Influence of teaching styles on student-teacher interaction & student performance
Winnee Cheong Universal gestures (in nonverbal communication)
Dr. Albert Liau The effects of Internet use & video games on the development of children and youth
Siew Ju Li Personality and learning style
No matter how, I trust my ability! I trust, no matter I am in overseas or local, I can do my best and achieve what I want! You'll support me right?
Written on 26/08/2008 @ 12:21 p.m.
Headaching matter!
Which path is better for me? Overseas or HELP? Honestly, I don't like our psychology department anymore, but what other choice I have if I stay local? I'm supposed to register for my undergraduate thesis today, and ohya, I just got to know it like LAST SATURDAY? BOMB… what should I do? Ohhh… I got a very long list of topics, and yeah.. My mind going blank again once I look at them.. I'm not ready! I'm not prepared! BUT I don't want to skip another semester just waiting!!!! Australia, are you giving me a reply? Why am I waiting?
I speak a lot on this matter. Friends, family, psychology admins, my agent.. What should I do? What can I do besides waiting? And what's my heart telling me? So, I am thinking of money. Exchange rate is high now, inflation is bad, and course fee for uni is raising next year.. Good, then where on earth I should get the money? Yes, my parents got! But 100k is not a small number! Education is so expensive! What more? It's not even Master yet! Well, so I'm on my own after my Degree. But, if I am to complete my course locally, YES, I will do get the money for my Master. Aiyo! Why life is about choosing?
Yea, complaining. I been trying very hard not to complain.. But well, I'm frustrated; I'm hopeless; I'm bothersome! Can't I just complain awhile? I'm confident with my application but oh well, my stupid transcript is the problematic issue. And then, I don't want to wait anymore.. It's just wasting time!
Looking at my thesis topics again… One more thing.. I need to register for my subjects as well?? Oh well.. Guess I need to be prepared to go back college.. And I think that'll settle this matter.
Written on 25/8/2008 @ 11:34 p.m.
Written on 6/08/2008 @ 1:31 am
Written on 2/08/2008 on 1:52 am
Written on 25/97/2008 @ 10:23 pm